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Windows 10 computer price in sri lanka free download
The included Micro USB cable is no longer than 3 feet maximum. This was incredibly disappointing, as it means you must either place it on your desk top and literally talk down at people, or off to one side or the other.
A perfect product made to seem so useless by corner cutting on such a minor thing. For the first month camera worked great but now I’m getting a weird image flickering. It doesn’t seem to want to work with any micro usb other than the one it came with, I’ve tried about 3 others. The biggest issue for me is you cannot just open the camera or download specific software for this camera. You have to download Asus Armory which should recognize the device and you should be able to adjust the settings there.
This camera will not show up on my Armory even though my motherboard does. Let’s not even get me started on Asus support, support has preset categories for their products but nowhere in support does it have an option for this camera or webcams in general. I can’t get to a real person to try and fix the issues I’m having either. Drivers are all downloaded from the Asus website but mostly seem to be about fixing the sound issues.
I love Asus products but was extremely disappointed with this camera. My recommendation, just get a Logitech and save yourself the headache. not good enough. The quality of the camera, it was made really nicely and it’s very sturdy. It’s good at that but I have a cheap little 30 dollar camera and it nearly matches the quality of that cheap one in terms of resolution and FPS. I can’t tell it’s 60fps nor the resolution does not look any different.
This is a great webcam! It works fantastic on my stream. The video is amazing and it’s been so steady. The audio is good as well but I don’t use that very often. And honestly the cord is a bit short for a webcam but that’s an easy fix if you have a complex set up. The cord worked fine for me though. Overall if you have been struggling to find a decent webcam and came across this gem all I can say is PICK IT UP!
One person found this helpful. I have an ASUS gaming laptop and this fits perfectly on top of the thin screen. These were totally scalped when the pandemic started so I couldn’t get one until a year later- which is crazy.
I could have gotten one off of ebay but did I really want to pay double or triple the price? Not really. If you have an ASUS ROG gaming laptop I highly recommend this. It’d probably be suitable for the Razer Blade as well because of the similar thin screen on that.
This webcam works very well with my ROG G It is a noticeable improvement over my older HD webcam. Using background images in Zoom now work. With my older webcam the Zoom background image would not work. The noise canceling works well, I have a gaming keyboard that is very loud and people tell me they can no longer hear it.
The internals must be Logitech as that is the drivers that loaded when I plugged it in. After having tried 2 different webcams – both resulting in flicker and picture drop out, I searched the web for solutions and found that others had experienced the same issues on the same type of laptop This recommended web cam really solved the problem, so happy! And easy to store when not in use!! Laptop is: ASUS ROG Zephyrus S GXGWR-EVT. Son uses it to connect with friends. Not the best video image but it works well overall and integrates nicely into the ROG Software.
See all reviews. Top reviews from other countries. Translate all reviews to English. Hasta el cable USB se ve rsistente y de buena calidad. Translate review to English. The image seems of a regular web camera. Not blurry but not the best high definition. it works fine. Report abuse. I bought this as a gift to my partner and he loved it. The quality of the video is excellent. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations.
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