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Posted by DaltonDox on Jan 18th, Posted by DaltonDox on Jan 19th, Posted by DaltonDox on Jan 21st, Posted by Jameslobia on Jan 25th, Posted by Jameslobia on Jan 26th, Posted by BristDox on Jan 26th, Posted by Jameslobia on Jan 27th, Posted by BristDox on Jan 27th, Posted by BristDox on Jan 28th, Posted by BristDox on Jan 29th, Posted by BristDox on Jan 30th, Posted by BristDox on Jan 31st, Posted by Jameslobia on Jan 31st, Posted by Jameslobia on Feb 1st, Posted by BristDox on Feb 2nd, Posted by BristDox on Feb 3rd, Sedimentary uranium deposits in France and French Union; Les gisements uraniferes dans les formations sedimentaires en France et dans l’Union francaise.

Centre d’ Etudes Nucleaires. The author gives the actual state of our knowledge on uranium deposits found in recent years. Till now in precambrian formations only one important deposit has been found, at Mounana Gabon in a series of conglomeratic sandstones belonging to the ‘Francevillien’.

The observed mineralization is of the uranium-vanadium type. To the carboniferous formations corresponds in France a series of deposits, among which the most important ones are located at Saint-Hippolyte. Uranium as carburans, organic-bound complexes, is contained in lacustrine schists of Westphalian or lower Stephanian formations.

A number of occurrences are also known in permo-triassic formations, particularly in the Vanoise Alps, in the Maritime Alps and in the Herault, where important occurrences have recently been found not far from Lodeve. The cretaceous and tertiary systems contain uranium deposits in phosphate rocks Morocco, Senegal, Togo, Middle-Congo. Two sedimentary oligocene deposits are known in France. Lastly, the Vinaninkarena deposit in Madagascar, known for a long time, is the only important one reported in the quaternary series.

Les gisements sont classes selon l’age de la formation dans laquelle on les observe. Les terrains precambriens n’ont pour l’instant fourni qu’un seul gisement notable; situe a Mouana Gabon. C’est en decembre que cet important gisement fut decouvert dans une serie de gres conglomeratiques appartenant au Francevillien. La mineralisation observee est du type vanadium-uranium. Au carbonifere correspond en France metropolitaine une serie de gisements d’interet variable. Les plus importants sont ceux de Saint-Hippolyte Haut-Rhin ou l’uranium est contenu dans des schistes lacustres du Westphalien ou du Stephanien inferieur.

L’uranium n’y existe pas sous forme. Attempt to evaluate the cumulative deposit of strontium 90 in several French centres; Essai d’evaluation du depot cumulatif de strontium 90 dans plusieurs stations francaises. In order to be able to interpret results of radioactivity controls of the ambient atmosphere and of the supply chain carried out in several French centres, it is necessary to know the value of the cumulative strontium deposit resulting from fall-out. The results show that the method is valid for calculating fall-out prior to in the absence of information and to deduce with sufficient approximation the subsequent cumulative deposits in the French centres under consideration.

L’estimation des retombees locale des annees anterieures a la mise en oeuvre systematique des moyens de surveillance peut etre faite en admettant que la concentration de Sr 90 dans la pluie varie peu d’un endroit a l’autre dans des regions assez rapprochees et que le depot peut etre deduit de celui mesure en une station gr e a des corrections tenant compte de la variation de pluviosite.

Cette hypothese est verifiee en appliquant la methode au calcul des retombees de Sr 90 a Ispra, a Mol, et en plusieurs stations francaises : les valeurs calculees sont comparees a celles obtenues par les mesures. Kervella, F. Les plus importants sont ceux de Saint-Hippolyte Haut-Rhin ou l’uranium est contenu dans des schistes lacustres du Westphalien ou du.

The prospection of uranium and thorium ores in desert country and in equatorial forest regions of the Union Francaise ; La prospection des minerais d’uranium et de thorium dans les pays desertiques et dans les regions de foret equatoriale de l’Union Francaise. Since it was founded, the D. Research in these territories presents both general and technical difficulties, which are especially severe in countries with extreme climates: deserts or dense equatorial forests.

The adaptation of various methods of radioactive ore prospection to these regions is described, and also the results obtained. Three particular examples are given in detail: – general exploration in the Hoggar, and reconnoitring of particular indications; – general exploration in the equatorial forest of French Guyana; – detailed study of a sign of uraniferous occurrences and its surroundings in the equatorial zone Mounana deposit near Franceville Gabon.

Les recherches dans ces territoires presentent des difficultes, sur le plan general et sur le plan technique, particulierement ardues dans les pays a climats excessifs: deserts ou forets equatoriales denses. On decrit l’adaptation des diverses methodes de prospection des minerais radioactifs a ces regions et les resultats qu’elles ont fournis.

Trois exemples particuliers sont donnes en detail: – Exploration generale au Hoggar, et reconnaissance d’indices particuliers.

Lecoq, J. Please note that the revisions of safety notes no 3 NS 3 Rev. Directory of Open Access Journals Sweden. Full Text Available Le transfert interlingual d’une langue a l’autre qui soit volontaire soit involontaire est un changement de la norme d’une langue.

Une langue n’a jamais enseigne a travers un simple contenu linguistique. L’enseignement des langues s’opere toujours dans un contexte de contacts entre plusieurs culturees parce que toute langue vehicule a avec elle une culture dont elle est a la fois productrice et le produit.

En principe, l’apprenant nigerian possede des multiples systemes linguistiques dont laquelle la connaissance qu’il a de ces systemes peut etre variable.

L’interference de la connaissance anterieure des autres langues pose un grand probleme a l’etude du francais chez les apprenants nigerians. Ce travail est destine a mettre en evidence du point-de-vue de la linguistique, certaines de ces fautes d’une part et a suggerer quelques mesures qui permettront de les resoudre d’autre part afin de contribuer a faire progresser l’enseignement et l’apprentissage du francais au Nigeria. Il est motive par le souci d’identifier et d’exposer les sources des problemes d’interference des apprenants qui apprennent la langue francaise a l’ecole secondaire jusqu’a l’universite ou les raisons pour laquelle les apprenants rencontrent ces problemes de l’interference.

Einstein dans l’Univers – French version only. CERN Multimedia. The new French uranium refining plant at Narbonne; La nouvelle usine francaise de raffinage d’uranium de Narbonne. In the Commissariat l’Energie Atomique in collaboration with two French industrial firms, the Compagnie de Saint-Gobain and the Societe Potasse et Engrais chimique, undertook the construction of a plant for the production of refined uranium on an industrial scale.

First of all the principles on which this under-taking is based are outlined. This is followed by a more detailed account of the construction, including the improvements brought to the process developed at the C.

Nous evoquerons d’abord les principes qui ont ete a la base de cette realisation. Puis nous donnerons quelques details sur la construction et les ameliorations qui ont ete apportees au procede mis au point a l’usine du Bouchet du C. Union Francaise de l’Electricite UFE , a non-profit organization founded in May , is the trade association for the French electricity sector.

It represents employers in the electricity and gas branches of the industry, and defends the interests of its members, generators, system operators or electricity suppliers, in the economic and industrial field. This document is UFE’s annual report.

The prospection of uranium and thorium ores in desert country and in equatorial forest regions of the Union Francaise. This work, now involving almost a million km 2 , represents an experiment scarcely equalled throughout the world.

Production and use artificial radioelements in France; Production et utilisation des radioelements artificiels en France. The aim of this report is to give a picture of the French accomplishment in the field of artificial radioelement production, and to review their uses up to march 31, The Commissariat a l’Energie atomique plays a major role in this work, accounting for practically the whole of the French production, centralising the imports, helping to control the distribution and contributing to research on, and development of, new applications.

Le Commissariat a l’Energie atomique joue un role preponderant puisqu’il assure la quasi totalite de la production francaise , centralise les importations, participe au controle de la distribution et contribue a l’etude et au developpement de nouvelles applications.

Contribution to the study of french pitchblendes; Contribution a l’etude des pechblendes francaises. The authors first review the characteristics of uraninite-pitchblende, as deduced of present literature. They set apart from typical pitchblende a black oxide aspect, which probably corresponds to neo-formations, and a ‘para-pitchblende’ aspect, which they relate to deep sur-oxidation of normal pitchblende.

They insist on the easy replacement of pitchblende by silica. A detailed study of paragenesis and successions in french uranium districts follows including discussion of uranium of uranium-bearing coals. The authors attempt to classify french pitchblende veins.

They are chiefly epithermal and poor in satellite ores. Three types of deposits are identified: massive – pitchblende type, silica type, fluorite type. These deposits, as those of Portugal, are included in granite, Central-European peri-batholitic types where uranium associates which Ni, Co, Bi and Ag, are in France both rare and poor. Finally, the authors attempt to bring out in the european Hercynian area a particular distribution of paragenetic types.

Ils exposent ensuite les faits qui du point de vue mineralogique seulement ressortent de l’etude mineralogique et chalcographique des pechblendes francaises et de leurs satellites. Ils distinguent de la pechblende-type un facies oxyde noir; correspondant probablement a une neoformation, et un facies parapechblende, qui est rapporte a une sur oxydation hypogene de la pechblende proprement dite.

Ils insistent sur le facile remaniement de la pechblende par la slice; et donnent quelques precisions sur les modifications des gangues fluorine, quartz, etc Suit l’etude detaillee des parageneses et des successions dans les districts uraniferes francais: Divisions du Limousin, de Grury, de Lachaux et de.

UFE works to: – Represent and defend the economic and industrial interests of its members in dealings with the French government and European institutions UFE represents France in Eurelectric, the European electricity industry association. We really began our relationship with NREL back in. Geffroy, J.

Centre d’ Etudes Nucleaires; Sarcia, J. Suit l’etude detaillee des parageneses et des successions dans les districts uraniferes francais: Divisions du. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap implementasi sistem informasi yang ada di Universitas Brawijaya, khususnya Sistem Informasi Akademik Mahasiswa SIAM sekaligus untuk mengetahui dampak individu yang diakibatkan oleh adanya sistem informasi tersebut.

Model yang diajukan pada penelitian ini merupakan gabungan beberapa konstruk yang disusun menjadi satu model dan diuji menggunakan beberapa teori dari peneliti terdahulu. Penelitian ini dilakukan di beberapa fakultas di Universitas Brawijaya.

Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa angkatan — , sejumlah orang mahasiswa. Recuperation of the energy released in the G-1, an air-cooled graphite reactor core; Recuperation de l’energie degagee dans G 1 pile a graphite refroidie a l’air. The CEA in his five-year setting plan has objective among others, the realization of the two first french reactors moderated with graphite. The construction of the G-1 reactor in Marcoule, first french plutonic core, is achieved so that it will diverge in the beginning of and reach its full power in the beginning of the second semester of the same year.

In this report we will detail the specificities of the reactor and in particular its cooling and energy recuperation system. The G-1 reactor being essentially intended to allow the french technicians to study the behavior of an energy installation supply taking its heat in a nuclear source as early as possible.

La construction du reacteur G-1 a Marcoule, premiere pile plutonigene francaise , est realise afin qu’il puisse diverger au debut de et atteindre sa pleine puissance au debut du second semestre de la meme annee. Dans ce rapport nous detaillerons les specificites du reacteur et en particulier son systeme de refroidissement et de recuperation d’energie.

Le reacteur G-1 etant essentielement destine a permettre aux techniciens francais d’etudier le plus tot possible le comportement d’une installation productrice d’energie empruntant sa chaleur a une source nucleaire. Full Text Available Stres kerja berhubungan dengan kecelakaan, kekerasan di tempat kerja, organizational strain dalam bentuk absensi, penurunan performa kerja, peningkatan angka cedera dan turn-over karyawan. Perawat adalah profesi yang memiliki risiko tinggi terdampak stres kerja.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan angka stres kerja pada perawat di Indonesia dan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhinya menggunakan instrumen expanded nursing stress scale ENSS versi Bahasa Indonesia. ENSS adalah instrumen penilaian stres yang dikhususkan bagi perawat dan telah diadaptasi sesuai dengan kondisi pekerjaan spesifik dan budaya Indonesia.

Sebanyak perawat direkrut, berasal dari rumah sakit dan beberapa fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan primer FKTP. Semakin tinggi tingkat stres kerja yang dialami perawat, semakin tinggi nilai pengukuran. Tidak ditemukan hubungan antara karakteristik demografi dan tingkat stres di masing-masing subskala pada kedua kelompok responden. Nurses are professionals who have high risks of occupational stress. The purpose of this study is to get the prevalens of work stress in nurses in Indonesia and the that influencing factors, using the instrument of ENSS Indonesian version.

ENSS is an instrument of stress assessment specifically designed for nurses. ENSS has been adapted to the specific working conditions and culture of Indonesia. A total of nurses were recruited, coming from hospitals and primary healthcare facilities. The higher the level of work stress experienced by nurses, the higher the value of measurement. No relationship was found between demographic characteristics and the level of stress in each.

Convection in complex shaped vessel; Convection dans des enceintes de forme complexe. The 8 november , the SFT Societe Francaise de Thermique organized a technical day on the convection in complex shaped vessels. Nine papers have been presented in the domains of the heat transfers, the natural convection, the fluid distribution, the thermosyphon effect, the steam flow in a sterilization cycle and the transformers cooling.

French achievements in the field of nuclear electronics; Realisations francaises dans le domaine de l’electronique nucleaire. Nuclear electronic equipment used by the french Atomic Energy Commission has been developed, with an increasing participation of the radioelectric industry manufacture under AEC license, contracts for prototypes. The equipment for general use has been standardized and satis the technical specification sheets in which are specified more particularly, the conditions for construction, the choice of the spare parts and the conditions for acceptance by the french AEC at factory.

The electronic equipment is classified in nine classes, and a brief description of the principal instruments is given in each class. The reliability of the equipment in use is satisfactory, as it is shown by the mean frequency of faults per hours operation. Le materiel d’emploi courant a ete standardise et repond aux specifications de cahiers des charges ou sont precises en particulier les conditions de realisation du materiel, le choix des pieces detachees et les conditions de recette en usine.

L’appareillage electronique est classe en neuf rubriques et une description sommaire des principaux appareils est donnee dans chacune des rubriques. La tenue en service du materiel est satisfaisante, ainsi que le montre la frequence moyenne des pannes observees par heures de fonctionnement.

Traduire Flaubert : Madame Bovary en version roumaine. First of all, its nature of retranslation has to be specified, since an existing version , published in the s by a Romanian poet Demostene Botez, was in fact in circulation when I started working on the original text. This previous translation was probably the result of a collective operation, as the split rhythm suggests at several points.

In the meantime, other publishers saw fit to print additional versions in great haste. However, a mere examination of the problematic passages is sufficient enough to realize that the authors of the new versions only limited themselves to take up the first one.

He described the victory in the upcoming parliamentary elections as a start of the battle against the post-communist Romanian political class that impoverished the country. First of all, a multi-methodological approach was adopted to examine the key elements of national populist discourse: antagonistic struggle between politicians and citizens, popular sovereignty, corruption of the political class and popular mobilization for political change.

After that, I will examine how this Romanian form of populism represents the rival version of western representative democracy, the populist democracy specific to Latin America based on direct representation embodied by a leader or a party capable to symbolize the power of the people. Full Text Available Preferensi pembiayaan dalam perusahaan besar lebih didasarkan pada karakteristik perusahaan tersebut. Namun dalam usaha mikro dan kecil hal ini mungkin berbeda dan bergantung pada karakteristik pemiliknya seperti gender dan entrepreneurability.

Perbedaan gender mungkin juga membedakan entrepreneurability dan dukungan yang diterima. Penelitian ini akan menguji apakah terdapat perbedaan preferensi pembiayaan berdasarkan gender, entrepreneurability berdasarkan gender dan berdasarkan preferensi pembiayaan, serta perbedaan dukungan berdasarkan gender. Sampel dari usaha mikro dan kecil yang bergerak dalam bidang kuliner diuji dengan uji beda Independent Sample t Test dan kemudian dengan Crosstabulation untuk lebih memperinci hasilnya.

Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan preferensi pembiayaan berdasarkan gender dan berdasarkan entrepreneurability, namun entrepreneurability berbeda signifikan berdasarkan gender dan juga ditemukan bahwa dukungan moral, tenaga, dan modal yang diterima pemilik usaha pria dan wanita tidak berbeda signifikan p value lebih kecil dari 0.

Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kesetaraan gender dalam pembiayaan usaha dan entrepreneurability lebih tinggi pada pria. Pria pemilik usaha juga mendapatkan dukungan tenaga kerja yang lebih banyak daripada wanita. Dukungan tenaga ini adalah salah satu bentuk financial bootstrapping karena dapat mengurangi pembiayaan usaha.

Bahan baku untuk fuel cell adalah hidrogen. Produksi hidrogen dari limbah alumunium dan storage telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan limbah alumunium alumunium foil dan kaleng minuman yang direaksikan dengan larutan beralkalin untuk menghasilkan hidrogen.

Hasilnya adalah: a. Jumlah limbah alumunium yang berbeda 0,01 g, 0,05 g dan 0,10 g kurang berpengaruh terhadap waktu reaksi jika konsentrasi NaOHnya sama. Temperatur yang dihasilkan berkisar antara 27 oC – 33,7 oC, semakin banyak jumlah alumunium yang direaksikan semakin tinggi temperatur yang dihasilkan.

Daya listrik yang dihasilkan dari 0,10 gram alumunium foil adalah sebesar watt dengan daya rata-rata 0,08 watt per detik. Daya listrik yang dihasilkan dengan kaleng Coca Cola adalah sebesar 12,13 watt dengan daya rata-rata 0, watt per detik. Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan diversitas dan kerapatan mangrove dengan kepadatan gastropoda dan bivalvia di mangrove alami dan rehabilitasi.

Pengukuran ekosistem mangrove menggunakan transek kuadrat 10 m x 10 m. Kelimpahan dan kepadatan gastropoda dan bialvia menggunakan transek kuadrat berukuran 1 m x 1 m. Analisis nMDS, cluster untuk melihat hubungan karekteristik mangrove alami dan rehabilitasi dianalisis secara deskriptif dan analisis regresi untuk mendetermi Analisis sensori dilakukan dengan uji pembeda menyeluruh, uji pembeda atribut, uji kesukaan, dan uji rangking. Pengamatan lainnya dilakukan terhadap edible portion dan nilai gizi proksimat dan profil asam amino.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa filet patin hibrid Nasutus lebih memiliki kesamaan warna dengan filet patin Nasutus daripada filet patin Siam. W arna daging filet patin hibrid Nasutus berbeda nyata dengan induknya yaitu patin Nasutus dan patin Siam. Panelis lebih menyukai warna filet patin hibrid Nasutus dibandingkan dengan patin Pasupati. Patin hibrid Nasutus mempunyai tekstur yang berbeda nyata dengan Nasutus dan Jambal yang kompak dan padat, tetapi mempunyai kesamaan dengan patin Siam dan Pasupati yang agak kompak dan agak padat.

Berdasarkan intensitas warna, hasil uji pembeda atribut dan uji kesukaan, maka secara berturut-turut panelis menyukai filet patin Jambal, Nasutus, hibrid Nasutus, Pasupati, dan Siam. Patin Siam mengandung asam amino esensial paling tinggi di antara berbagai jenis patin yang diteliti.

Profil asam amino patin hibrid Nasutus, Jambal, Pasupati, dan Nasutus hampir sama, kecuali pada patin Siam yang mengandung glisin, leusin, isoleusin, histidin, serin, treonin, dan prolin yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan patin lainnya. Full Text Available Otomatisasi AC dan lampu dilakukan untuk menghemat energi yang digunakan pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam pengembangan otomatisasi AC dan lampu perlu menerapkan sebuah perangkat yang memiliki fungsi maksimal dengan harga yang minimal.

Raspberry Pi merupakan perangkat atau modul dengan harga rendah yang mampu melakukan komunikasi wireless tanpa bantuan modul lain. Dalam pengembangan otomatisasi AC dan lampu juga diperlukan sebuah metode yang mampu melakukan kontrol terhadap nyala AC dan lampu. Penerapan metode fuzzy dapat dilakukan untuk menghimpun informasi keadaan ruang yang didapat dari sensor untuk menentukan nyala AC dan lampu secara otomatis. Oleh sebab itu pada penelitian ini mengusulkan pengembangan otomatisasi AC dan lampu menggunakan Raspberry Pi dan Fuzzy.

This paper aims at analyzing the various functional and semantic values attributed to the morpheme how in the King James Version of the Bible KJV , some of which are not prototypical complementizer, causal interrogative adverb, interrogative pronoun and adverbial relative. In view of the complex semantic and functional network of how, it is necessary first to establish what decoding problems were experienced by the readers.

As will be shown, almost each type of how can be misinterpreted in Full Text Available Penelitian ini mengukur tingkat persepsi visi dan misi civitas akademika STAIN Pekalongan, dan mengukur juga tingkat implementasi sebagai transformasi visi misi tersebut serta menemukan hubungan antara persepsi dengan implementasinya. Kajian ini memiliki signifikan yang strategis dalam konteks manajemen dan pengembangan Pendidikan di STAIN Pekalongan dan lembaga pendidikan lainnya.

Hal ini karena posisi visi dan misi sebagai kerangka acuan frame of reference yang mengarahkan dan menjelaskan kepada keseluruh unsur civitas akademika dalam setiap program kerjanya. Penelitian evaluasi dan beras terhadap mutu dan jumlah hasil ditekankan pada lr36 , lr38 dan Cisadane.

Hasil studi menunjukkan diantara ketiga varitas, Cisadane mempunyai ukuran dimensi butiran yang lebih besar daripada Ir36 dan Ir Persen beras pecah kulit tertinggi diperoleh pa Les trois versions du premier volume du Voyage pittoresque de Choiseul-Gouffier.

Desain dan implementasi sistem penjadwalan agenda berbasis android. Full Text Available AbstrakPenjadwalan agenda merupakan sebuah proses pembuatan urutan rencana kerja kedalam bentuk daftar catatan yang berisi kegiatan sehari-hari dari seorang individu. Saat ini, penggunaan teknologi Android sudah berkembang pesat diberbagai bidang kehidupan, seperti halnya penerapan aplikasi pengingat yang dibuat untuk menjadwalkan agenda.

Meskipun alarm pengingat jadwal agenda telah berbunyi, tetap saja sebagian orang sering mengabaikan hal tersebut dan mematikan alarmnya dengan menekan salah satu tombol.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain dan mengimplementasi sistem penjadwalan agenda berbasis Android yang akan mempermudah setiap individu dalam menjadwal agenda kegiatan sehari-hari. Hasil penelitian ini berupa desain sistem yang dapat diimplementasikan untuk sistem penjadwalan agenda dengan fitur menambah agenda pribadi, kontak, pengiriman agenda, serta menampilkan alert dialog berisi informasi tentang jadwal agenda kegiatan yang harus dikerjakan dan bunyi alarm harus direspons pengguna.

Berdasarkan pengujian yang dilakukan, aplikasi ini dapat berjalan pada berbagai versi Android mulai dari versi 4. AbstractScheduling agenda is a process of making sequences work plan into the form of a list of records that contain the daily activities of an individual. Currently, the use of the Android technology already growing rapidly in various areas of life, as with any application of the reminder application made to schedule agenda. Although the alarm reminder schedule agenda has been read.

Nonetheless, some people often overlook it and turn off the alarm by pressing any key. This research aims to design and implement of agenda scheduling system based android that will make it easier to every individual in the schedule of daily activities agenda. This application is created using. Anorital, SKM Ka. Keuangan Badan Litbangkes memperoleh fellowship dari WHO untuk melakukan studi perbandingan ke institusi-institusi penelitian kesehatan di Thailand,Myanmar, dan India.

Berikut di bawah ini tulisan bersangkutan yang menggambarkan secara garis besar pengelolaan penelitian dan pengembangan kesehatan pada masing-masing negara obyek studi. Semoga informasi yang terkandung pada tulisan ini dapat bermanfaat bagi pengembangan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan. BAZ adalah lembaga zakat yang dikelola oleh pemerintah, sedangkan LAZ adalah lembaga yang dikelola oleh masyarakat. Artikel ini merupakan merupakan hasil penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif.

Agence Francaise de Developpement. Strategic Orientation Plan Agence Francaise de Developpement AFD is a development finance institution that has been working to fight poverty and foster economic growth in developing countries and the French Overseas Communities for more than seventy years. It executes the policy defined by the French Government. AFD is present on five continents where it has an international network of 71 agencies and representation offices, including 9 in the French Overseas Communities and 1 in Brussels.

It finances and supports projects that support more sustainable and shared economic growth, improve living conditions for the poorest, contribute to protecting the planet and help stabilize fragile or post-conflict states. It subsidiary, Proparco, supports private investment. AFD also works with French and international academic networks to feed into debates and forward planning on development.

In , AFD approved nearly euro 6. The funds will help get 4 million children into primary school and 2 million into secondary school; they will also improve drinking water supply for 1. Energy efficiency projects financed by AFD in will save nearly 3. It aims to strengthen AFD and situate it within the framework of the new ‘partnership for development’ promoted by the French Government.

In a rapidly changing international environment, AFD is underscoring its strategy to finance long-term development activities. The aim is to help communities build sustainable conditions to allow them to meet their priority needs, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

The attention given to the social and environmental dimensions of the projects it finances, along with their impact. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman arthropoda dan peran biologinya pada tanah sawah irigasi dan tegalan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di daerah persawahan di daerah Sragen pada bulan Maret — Mei Metode Penelitian dengan menggunakan pitfall trap atau perangkap jebakan yang diletakkan area persawahan dan tegalan. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan purposive sampling.

Sampel arthropoda yang diperoleh diidentifikasi dan dianalisis di Laboratorium pendidikan Biologi. Setelah perebusan, dilakukan pengeringan di bawah matahari udang dikupas dahulu sebelum dijemur. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan saat kondisi segar, setelah direbus dan setelah dijemur. Penelitian ini dapat dijadikan bukti bahwa pemanasan perebusan dan penjemuran, serta penggaraman berpengaruh dalam proses oksidasi kolesterol pada udang dan cumi.

In the realm on metaphysics, it has brought down the meaning of reality. In epistemological perspective, it has caused modern man to live and think in an isolated mental world that is alienated from objective reality. Similar to Kantian ontological assumption, Wahhabi insists to believe in transcendent reality with denial of the gates and ways of understanding the reality as well as with removal the keys of revealing reality.

Both Kant and Wahhabi reject the capability of human reason to grasp and understand the transcendent reality. Keywords : Agnosticism, noumenalism, phenomenalism, solipsism, Kant, Wahhabi, onto-epistemological solipsism, onto-theological solipsism, intellectuality, spiritual intelligence. Sementara pada level epistemologis, ia telah memenjarakan manusia modern dalam dunia subyektif mental belaka yang terisolasi dari realitas obyektif dan bahkan terasing dari realitas kemanusiaannya sendiri.

Dalam wilayah praktis, yaitu psikologis dan etis. Full Text Available Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi: 1 pembangunan etika bisnis yang telah dirumuskan oleh al-Ghazali dan Adam Smith, 2 persamaan dan perbedaan antara dua etika bisnis pria, dan 3 relevansi bisnis mereka etika bisnis modern dunia dan ekonomi. Bisnis etika dibangun oleh al-Ghazali dan Smith di dataran praksis tidak jauh berbeda.

Di sisi lain, etika bisnis konstruksi dibangun oleh Smith, berdasarkan keadilan, altruisme, keadilan dan liberal kebebasan ekonomi. Baik etika bisnis yang diperkenalkan oleh kedua sangat relevan untuk menjadi digunakan sebagai bahan pokok acuan dalam etika bisnis modern. Recent advances in the designing and the equipment of high activity laboratories; Progres recents dans la conception et l’equipement des laboratoires de haute activite. The authors described the general principles governing the design of a laboratory for experimenting and handling radioactive substances.

The difficulties encountered are of two types: 1 those due to the dangers of external irradiation; 2 those due to the dangers of internal contamination. As an example, the authors describe the French achievements in this field and in particular: – the high-activity laboratories at Saclay; – the laboratory for the examination of irradiated fuels at Saclay; – the ‘hot’ laboratory of the CEN-Grenoble; – the alpha, beta and gamma laboratories of the CEN-Fontenay-aux-Roses.

Finally, the report describes the protective materials used for these installations. Les difficultes a surmonter sont de deux ordres: 1 celles qui proviennent du danger d’irradiation externe; 2 celles qui proviennent du danger de contamination interne. A titre d’exemple, les auteurs decrivent les realisations francaises dans ce domaine et en particulier: – le laboratoire de haute activite de Saclay, – le laboratoire d’examen des combustibles irradies de Saclay, – le laboratoire chaud du CEN-Grenoble, – les laboratoires alpha, beta, gamma du CEN-Fontenay-aux-Roses.

Enfin, le rapport decrit les materiaux de protection mis en oeuvre pour ces realisations. Analisis Kebijakan dan Efektivitas Organisasi. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk melihat dampak kebijakan organisasi terhadap efektivitas organisasi dengan menggunakan enam elemen variabel dari kebijakan dan praktik manajemen.

Keenam elemen tersebut adalah penetapan tujuan strategis, pencarian dan pemanfaatan sumber daya, lingkungan prestasi, proses komunikasi, kepemimpinan dan pengambilan keputusan, serta adaptasi dan inovasi organisasi. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas organisasi pada UPT Diklat koperasi dan UMKM belum berjalan secara baik, hal ini dapat dilihat dari beberapa hal antara lain, belum adanya tenaga spesialisasi pengelola diklat dan tenaga khusus sarjana di bidang perkoperasian dan kondisi lingkungan kerja lingkungan prestasi pada UPT Diklat koperasi dan UMKM yang belum efektif.

Perbedaan karakteristik antar routing protokol menimbulkan masalah dalam pengiriman paket data. Teknik redistribution adalah solusi untuk melakukan komunikasi antar routing protokol. Dengan menggunakan software Cisco Packet Tracer 5. May he know that Jesus Christ is the answer to all his problems and questions, and may he come to know the Lord early in life.

Please bless this newborn baby boy with a long and healthy life. Please help him to grow up to be a good man who cares for his family and others. May he be filled with love and kindness, and may he live by your word. We pray for you to watch over him and protect him from all harm, no matter how small or large. Let him know that he is loved by many people and has many friends who will stand by him when he needs them most.

May he grow up to be a good man who serves his family and neighbors with kindness, who loves his wife and children well, who is devoted to his faith. We come to you with thanksgiving on this day of new beginnings.

We give thanks for the gift of life and for the precious gift of a newborn baby boy. We pray that he will be spared from all harm and protected by your loving arms. Guide our hands as we raise him, so that he may grow up to become a strong and wise man who will honor his family, his friends, and his church. May he always put others before himself and be willing to serve those in need.

Grant us patience as we guide him through childhood into manhood, knowing that we are not alone but are surrounded by your love for us and our child. We thank you for the gift of this child.


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