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All DUY’s plug-ins available for Pro Tools Ultimate. DUY’s AAX plug-ins are totally compatible with the latest Pro Tools Ultimate versions. To download the latest AAX installers, log into your DUY. All DUY’s plug-ins available for Pro Tools Ultimate. DUY’s AAX plug-ins are totally compatible with the latest Pro Tools Ultimate versions. To download the latest AAX installers, log into your DUY. Apr 04, · DUY plug-ins currently available in VST for Windows format: DUY DaD Tape, DUY DaD Valve, DUY Wide, DUY Shape, MAX DUY, DUY EverPack (includes Valve+Shape+Wide+Max), and DUY Z-Room (Free). More information: DUY Software. DUY, replace.mes: 2.
DUY Digital Audio Plug-ins
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Duy plugins for windows free download free.DUY plug-ins available in VST for Windows
Wibdows Valve. DUY don’t ask duy plugins for windows free download free how you pronounce that! DUY Tape. Their system deals with the dynamic and spectral aspects of valves separately, because although it’s well duy plugins for windows free download free that valves compress signal peaks when they’re overdriven, the resulting harmonic structure varies with the valve type and biasing arrangement.
In addition to the input level slider, there’s also a drive control called the Pusher, arranged as a horizontal fader, but there’s no output level control, so it’s not always possible to balance the processed and direct levels for comparison. With symmetrical input material this will make no difference, but where the material being processed is very asymmetrical brass waveforms are very asymmetrical, for examplethe subjective difference can be quite noticeable.
Fo Link button forces the same preset to be chosen from both Spectrum and Dynamic duy plugins for windows free download free, but unlinking it allows any preset from one group to be combined with any preset from the duy plugins for windows free download free. DUY Max. There’s also an rree noiseless tape mode, just in case the thought of windoows hiss throws you into a panic. The user can select the required tape characteristics via buttons, but otherwise has control only over input and output level stereo metering is provided.
Just as with tape, the effect is only obvious at high signal levels, but sonically Dug Tape seems very authentic — downlkad, just like real tape, the effects are more subtle than you might expect. Having the different simulations helps match the treatment to the sound being processed, but I feel the control system could be better. DUY Wide. In addition to the input gain slider, there’s a Max slider to set cree threshold above which processing takes place.
The manual states that if the input signal comes close to 0dB, the Max slider range is limited to around 6dB, and above this point unwanted artifacts may appear. An output slider sets the maximum peak value of the processed signal and meters show the levels of the input and output signals simultaneously. DUY Max may be used in mono or stereo. DUY Shape. In downloas to a stereo enhancement amount slider, there’s an input gain slider and a variable frequency boost equaliser to help compensate for any spectral change that might result from the processing.
Switching in Boost increased the overall level, but neither the Frequency or Boost control had any effect. Duy plugins for windows free download free meters show how much processing is taking place, and they also provide an indication of how the process might affect mono compatibility. Stereo level meters continuously monitor the processed output.
How effective the process is depends on the winxows being treated, and in my experience that applies to all fod competing products too.
Any tonal change should be small enough to compensate for by using the Boost control. The effect isn’t always as dramatic as you might wish, and I’ve found much the same with the competing systems — a lot перейти на источник on the characteristics of the source material.
It’s usually best to process just elements of the mix rather than the whole thing — then you can use more intense processing on reverb, delay and windoqs effects, for example. Windosw not an EQ, it’s not a compressor and it’s not an enhancer, yet it combines elements of all downloqd and more. Again operable in mono or stereo, DUY Shape splits the audio spectrum into three bands, which the user can vary via two adjustable crossover frequency sliders.
Representing each band is a graph showing input against output, rather like a compressor, and these are the Shapers. The default condition is a diagonal line on each graph, depicting that the input and output are linearly related. Grabbing the top point windowz the line and pulling it down reduces the level in that frequency band, but читать статью all, hence the ability to equalise. It’s also possible to define different duy plugins for windows free download free according to cosine or six logarithmic rules, and these microsoft office 2013 key generator free produce subjectively different results.
The outputs from all three bands are summed in a mixer; repeated clicking on the mixer icon lets you solo any band or hear the the full mix. Similarly, you can expand the waveforms to make the peaks higher still, but this isn’t the same thing as conventional expansion.
There’s no explanation given of what to expect from the different curve types, http://replace.me/15536.txt you really have to plugims it and pulgins. Even so, the results can be intriguing. You could shape only the top band to emulate a traditional enhancer, shape just the bottom band to get a nice analogue saturation effect, or shape everything, and alter the relative levels of the duy plugins for windows free download free bands, to totally change the sound of a mix or instrument.
If anything, I feel the designers have tried to make the user interface too graphically interesting, and the time might have been better spent on making the products more intuitive to use, but it really doesn’t take long to get familiar with them. I feel Waves have done a far better job duyy the interface front, but there’s no qindows that DUY have added some features and processes that are quite unlike anything anybody else is doing.
The Shape and Valve processors are my two favourites, but all do what they claim, and with very high wijdows resolution. We wondered if they were related, and made enquiries. It turns out that they are — though we’re told that the software department has no connection with Michel Huygen. Anyone interested in some company aindows should check out the DUY web site, at www. All prices include VAT.
Contact Syco for prices. Good audio performance. DUY Shape is particularly flexible. Cons User interface not always as intuitive or clearly set out as it could be. Previous article Next article. New forum posts Re: Need help with understanding note mapping! Active topics Need help with understanding note mapping! Login You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. The password field is case sensitive.