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Adobe acrobat x pro no longer supported free download. Adobe Acrobat X Pro no longer works after upgrading to Windows 10

Adobe occasionally discontinues the sale, development of, or support for a product or technology as a result of changing market conditions and impact to customers. Product по этому сообщению Product discontinued and not available for purchase. Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase. Alternative products: Adobe Acrobat Professional. Alternative products: Acrobat ProfessionalOn Standard. Alternative products: Adobe Forms Central.
Support options : Читать forumsAdobe knowledgebase. Product availability acrobay Product discontinued and not available for purchase.
Alternative products: Adobe Premiere Pro. Product availability: Product discontinued as of April 1,and not available for purchase. Alternative products: Adobe Fonts.
Product availability: Product discontinued, but is available for purchase. Alternative spported : Adobe Touch Apps. Alternative products: Adobe Creative Cloud. Alternative products: Adobe Creative Suite. Alternative products: Adobe Illustrator. Alternative products: Adobe DreamweaverBusiness Catalyst.
Alternative products: Adobe Captivate. Alternative products: Adobe Flash Professional. Konger availability: Product available through purchase читать статью Fontlab. Support options: Supported through Fontlab. Product availability: Product discontinued and is not available for purchase. Product availability: Product discontinued on April 28, по этой ссылке, and not available продолжить чтение purchase.
Alternative products: Adobe Dreamweaver. Product availability: Product discontinued November 1,and not available for purchase. Alternative products: Business Catalyst. Product availability : Product discontinued and not available. Alternative products: Acrobat Professional. Alternative products: Photoshop Elements. Alternative products: Adobe Photoshop Elements. Alternative products: Adobe Premiere Elements.
Product availability: Product discontinued as of April 19,and not available for purchase. Alternative products : eLearning Suite. Alternative products: RoboHelp. Alternative products: New source control options in RoboHelp Release. Alternative products: Adobe FrameMaker release. Product availability : Product discontinued as of April 11,and not available for purchase.
Support options: Support pages for Adobe Soundbooth, including community forumsare still available on Adobe. Qdobe continues to offer support for installation and registration issues. Adobe honors all maintenance and support contracts for Soundbooth. Alternative products: Adobe Audition. Alternative products: Creative Suite Production Premium. Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy.
Discontinued products Search. All Apps User Guide. Select an article: Select an article:. Applies to: All Apps. Adobe honors all paid technical support contracts until they expire. Related information Adobe support policies: Supported product versions Adobe Getting Started Support Adobe products and technical support periods covered under the new Lifecycle Policy. Discontinued or unsupported products.
Product Availability, support, and alternative products Acrobat Elements Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase. Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Alternative products: Adobe Acrobat Professional Acrobat Elements Server Product availability: Product discontinued and not страница for adobe acrobat x pro no longer supported free download.
Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Alternative products: Acrobat ProfessionalAcrobat Standard Acrobat Messenger Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase. Support options : Supported Adobe Muse Product availability : Product discontinued and not available for purchase. Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Adobe Type Set Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase.
Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Alternative products: Adobe Fonts Authorware Product availability: Product discontinued, but is available for purchase.
Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Alternative products: Adobe CaptivateFlashAdobe Connectand Dreamweaver Collage Product availability : Product discontinued and not available for purchase.
Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Debut Product availability : Product discontinued and not available for purchase.
Support options : Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Alternative products : Adobe Touch Adobe acrobat x pro no longer supported free download Design Collection Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase. Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Alternative products: Adobe Creative Suite Dimensions Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase. Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Alternative products: Adobe Illustrator Dreamweaver Server Extension Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase.
Support options: Community supporteeAdobe knowledgebase DV Rack Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase. Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Alternative products: Adobe Premiere Pro eLearning Suite Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase.
Support options: Community adobe acrobat x pro no longer supported free downloadAdobe knowledgebase Alternative products: Adobe Captivate Encore Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase. Support options: None Flash Paper Product availability: Product discontinued fgee not available for purchase.
Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Alternative products: Adobe Flash Professional Fontographer Product availability: Product available through purchase from Fontlab. FreeHand Product availability: Product discontinued and is not available for purchase. Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Alternative products: Adobe Illustrator GoLive Product availability: Product discontinued on April 28,and not available downlozd purchase.
Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Alternative products: Adobe Dreamweaver Graphics Server Product availability: Product discontinued November adobe acrobat x pro no longer supported free download,and not available for purchase. Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Alternative products: Adobe Scene7 Homesite Tool Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase.
Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Посетить страницу источник products: Adobe Dreamweaver InContext Editing Product availability : Product discontinued and not available for purchase. Support options: Community forumsAdobe adobe acrobat x pro no longer supported free download Alternative products: Business Catalyst Muse Product availability : Product discontinued and not available.
NetAverages Product availability : Product discontinued and not available for purchase. Ovation Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase. Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase PageMaker Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase. Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Alternative products: Acrobat Professional PhotoDeluxe Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase.
Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Alternative products: Photoshop Elements Photoshop Album Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase. Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Alternative products: Adobe Premiere Elements PressReady Product availability: Product adobe acrobat x pro no longer supported free download as of April 19,and not available for purchase.
Adobe acrobat x pro no longer supported free download options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Production Studio Premium Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase. Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Alternative products : eLearning Suite RoboInfo Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase.
Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Alternative products: Adobe FrameMaker release Secure Content Servers Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase. Support options: Community adobe acrobat x pro no longer supported free downloadAdobe knowledgebase Shockwave Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase. Alternative products: Adobe Audition Streamline Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase.
Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Alternative products: Adobe Illustrator Studio Acrobag availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase. Support options: None Type on Call Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase.
Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Alternative products: Adobe Fonts Ultra Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase. Support options: Community forumsAdobe knowledgebase Visual Communicator Product availability: Product discontinued and not available for purchase. Availability, support, and alternative products.
Support actobat : None. Product availability : Product discontinued. Support options: None.
Adobe Acrobat X Pro Update – Download – Recommendation to customers
Adobe Acrobat XI will soon be coming to an end of a life cycle meaning that Adobe will no longer be supporting the product. This is according to the Adobe Lifecycle policy, which stipulates that a product will be supported for a period of 5 years since the date it was released into the market.
The end of the five-year period is now drawing closer and the curtains will be closed from October 15, So, what does this really mean for any avid Adobe Acrobat XI user?
In other words, what shall we do? In the world of software, it is all about the features or rather, a tool is always as good as it’s weakest features! Again, the PDFelement stands a cut above the rest thanks to amazing capability it affords users working with PDF files. Well, let’s dig deeper:. You may continue using your Adobe Acrobat XI in the future.
But since Adobe will no longer provide any support since then, here are some problems you might come across:. The subscription mode is also an annoying part, which means if you ever late for your monthly bill for one second, you’ll be banned from using any features of Adobe Acrobat DC.
To start with, when the support ends, it means that the technical support will not be available. Lack of the technical support implies that the Adobe Acrobat XI users will not receive security updates concerning the products.
Lack of security updates will lead to many security threats. Lack of security updates implies that the documents will be vulnerable to security breaches, viruses, and hackers. In that case, sensitive documents will not be secure, and they may land in the hand of dangerous people which could be a threat to the business or the company. Documents can also be affected by virus leading to the destruction of relevant personal information or valuable information to the firm.
Users may panic, and in the process of looking for software alternatives, they may end up using the unsupported software. Unsupported could be risky and may end up destroying valuable documents. Switching from Adobe Acrobat XI to another software due to the end of support could be expensive. Users will have to use the unbudgeted money to purchase another software which would replace the Acrobat XI.
More time will also be needed by users to research on the best software which would be used as an alternative. Such time could be used in other productive activities in the business. The technical support and customer support will also not be available for the users.
In that case, if the Acrobat XI users experience any technical issues, they will not be helped. A technical failure may occur when the users are handling necessary files, and if it happens, it will cause a major setback to the company. First, the PDF files will be vulnerable to security breaches. The security of the program can be breached without the notice of the users.
When the security is breached, the documents can be accessed by anyone, and sensitive documents might be stolen or destroyed. The users will not be able to protect even the confidential documents of a company or business, and competitors or other unintended parties can use them. The PDFs will also be vulnerable to hackers. The program can be hacked, and the users may fail to notice earlier enough. The hackers may access sensitive personal information, or they can use valuable company information for their benefits.
Lack of minor of minor product upgrades and the security updates could also pose a threat to virus attacks. A virus attack may lead to the destruction of valuable PDF documents making the user or the company have a major setback, particularly when there is no backup. Technical problems may occur when the users are handling important PDF documents. The lack of technical support may inhibit the access of the document that was being handled thus losing valuable data to the Adobe Acrobat Users.
The use of unsupported software as an alternative may also lead to the destruction of PDF files. It is the best alternative because it joins all the elements of PDF editing on one platform. Buy PDFelement right now! Elise Williams.
Try It Free. Product Features. PDFelement Download Download. Elise Williams chief Editor.
Adobe acrobat x pro no longer supported free download
Using a free or discontinued Adobe app and have a question? Phone and chat support are not available for these apps but you can often find answers in our communities or through other resources. We provide installers for our current apps and the previous major version of each. Installers are not available for unsupported products. See apps available for download. Adobe Communities are public forums supported by our online community and may have limited Adobe involvement. Support resources may not be available for products that are out of their support periods.
See Products and technical support periods. Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Free and discontinued products Support options Search. User Guide. Select an article: Select an article:. Phone and chat support is not available for free or discontinued software or services. Learn what other support resources might be available. Where to find help for free or discontinued apps. Don’t see your product listed here? Adobe Acrobat Reader Community. Download and Install Community Download and install questions.
Fireworks community. Flash Builder Community. No longer supported. Flash Player Community. Muse Community. Portfolio portal. Shockwave Player Community. Spark Support Center.
Adobe acrobat x pro no longer supported free download. End of support for Adobe Acrobat XI and Reader XI
The Pro stands for professional and is different from the standard version as it converts scanned documents into editable PDFs. Based on our scan system, we have determined that these flags are possibly false positives. While Acrobat X was not specifically designed for use within ссылка devices, it can create PDF documents that may thereafter be shared via smartphones and tablets. I suggest you to uninstall the application completely from the system and then again install it. Sign in to your account. Couldn’t ask for anything more. Cancel Submit.