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Specific product options can be chosen depending on the Pro Printer package. These packages have files with the same name but different content. You can specify a download date and an activation date.

The former is the date the. In production Web Conf several Pro Printer 5. These packages include different. Some of the options are mandatory and not shown the refore. The following table shows the content of the different Pro Printer 5. The settings are used to preallocate Pro Printer configuration variables and to adapt the appearance. Fur the r an update of printer objects and forms and an unattended configuration could be activated.

Please note that Pro Printer must be restarted or run for twelv e hours to take ov er the se settings. The behavior of Automatic Update while installing or updating Pro Printer could be configured, when. CountryID should be set to the country ID two digits, upper characters of the country for which the. The airline ID two digits, lower characters should be entered instead, if Pro. The vendor code must be unique to do this e.

This is necessary, because. Language should be set to the ISO three letter code of the language to be used for Pro Printer and the. A selection box offers all possible languages. Please note, that the user could change the language afterwards on the PC. The settings done in. The look of the PP Configurator could be configured by help of variable Appearance.

Please refer to. Three different characteristic are available with Pro Printer 5. Standard All menu entries and buttons are shown. All fields could be edited if not running the. Variable Variant should be used for changing the look too, if different styles are needed after releasing. The parameters for updating the look must be installed by help of the MODA. Should be set to true only when 3DES is used for encryption. Currently this is not supported by DDIP.

MODA is used to update printer objects and forms refer to chapter 5 for more details about this mechanism. Moda specific setting depending on the target group to distribute Moda files not used with PP.

Multiple components could be distributed with PP 5. The component names must. This token specifies, what language should be used for Ecoprint forms please note, that only few forms. The tokens in this section are used to activate and configure the unattended configuration of Pro. Printer refer to chapter 6 for more details about this mechanism. When PP is started or runs for more. When values are changed, comparing with the normal.

This causes a restart of Pro Printer with the new values. Be careful when using the unattended configuration in Webconf. There is no check by. Webconf, if the settings are valid and do not cause troubles. With an improper setting you. The printer list is build for each available device in dependence. Fur the r all o the r parameters from section Configuration. Existing printer configurations are. Please note, that the configuration settings are taken from ano the r Webconf server, when changing the.

URL from production to test system or vice versa after restarting Pro Printer. This could cause unexpected. If no Server IP address is given, the existing entry in file comadapt. This token may contain the port number of the DDIP server. Ports , and 80 are supported by. The DDIP server itself allows port to use only. This token must contain the port number of the backup DDIP server. Ports , and 80 are supported.

The DDIP server itself allows port to. Is the number of retries before the Pro Printer communication adapter switches from main to backup. This token specifies, what interval in minutes should be used by Pro Printer comadapt. These messages are used to avoid a disconnection of the IP. Please be carful, when settings this value.

An inappropriate time interval could cause an increased. This token may contain the Amadeus Office ID maximum 9 characters. If this token and the corresponding token in. In case of device type STRT is. This token may contain the name of the office maximum 25 characters.

The Office Info is set to the name of. This token must be set for airline offices — but not for travel agencies – to the two letter airline code. The airline code has higher priority the n the country code and is used by Pro Printer for registration at.

Fur the r the printer list is switched to the list defined for this airline and not. They are not more started when the Amadeus Pro Printer services comes up, but when a user is. Running an amaprt instance under user account allows the access to a. The unattended configuration in Webconf could be used for PCs, offices or office groups are able to.

This could only be done by preparing. If the default configuration does not meet the requirements of the market, send a request to the Pro. Printer development team please. In principle an individual list could be set up for each country and. O the rwise settings done by the user on the PC, maybe overwritten when PP is started next time. The tokens in this section are used to adapt the creation of links to the Pro Printer programs.

By default. In Germany. It could also be used for testing. Default triggers the Rework program to use the settings from rework. Show configurable creates the corresponding icon or folder by default and allows modifying this. Hide configurable removes the corresponding icon or folder by default and allow modifying this.

The meaning of tokens Show configurable and Hide configurable could be changed by entries in. Values Yes or No must be used in startpro. These tokens must be.

The shortcuts settings from startpro. The tokens in this section are used to adapt the installation process of Pro Printer to market specific. This token specifies, if the Pro Printer Configuration Wizard should be called automatically, when installing.

Pro Printer first time. Only one CID is used for this. In case of configuring an office, office group or on. Here an example:. Several settings could be done in the configuration panel to adapt the behaviour of Automatic Update. This document gives only little information, necessary for Pro Printer installation. Please select the following entries to open the configuration dialog for Automatic Update:.

Parameters can be set in order to specify when the version migration has to be done usually at night. There also are a couple of generic parameters, common to all Amadeus products. Even if the corresponding option has been selected, the installation cannot be silent if Pro.

Printer is the very first product installed by Automatic Update the user will be asked to select. On installation date, at the time specified by you in the configuration panel of Webconf, and unless. The installation is the n intiated and is monitored by the following window :. Once the installation is complete, for a non silent installation, you get the following confirmation. You can force the installation of Pro Printer on the client machine at any time you.

To do. Auto Update launches the executables Autoupdatetool1. The executable returns an exit code indicating the success or the reason for the fail please note, that. Automatic Update shows error as usual. The Pro Printer specific error code must be taken from file.

As is shown in the following diagram, the process for a removal is processing the files in the exact reverse. The Installation process of Pro Printer is depicted by the diagram above. Exe1 and Exe2 refer to. On update migration and on removal of a version it is. Its job is to set up the system environment to the belongings of Pro Printer.

This includes. It is structured like a standard Windows ini file and comprises the following sections:. An action can be a build in action or a sub routine. A sub routine is defined by ano the r token again. The actions are carried out in the order in which the y are written. Every build in action has a Boolean. As long as this value is true the list of actions is continued. If one action returns false the. Modifiers can be put in front of actions and subroutine names.

The currently possible actions are defined below. Attention: The names of the build-in actions are case sensitive. All the actions must be written in lower. Table 6 shows the details of operation. The o the r sections of rework. They define the.

The next chapters describing some of the se functions in more details. Please note that the Rework. This is particularly necessary.

The migration is done by help of the rework program build in functions. Configuration files just having an ini-structure could be update by help. This program uses description files stored in the. One sequence of the rework is to check the network connection to the D. The used addresses and.

IP are configured in the file PPServer. Rework notices the output check into the Log PPServer. The format of the output is:.

IP server. IP server is reachable with the TCP port. The network works already. This file is read by the PPConfigurator when started in Wizard mode and shown in the dialog where to.

The output is written to file Pcinfo. Please check the timestamp saved to pcinfo. Maybe the information. Refer to chapter 8. The Pro Printer version is stored in file version.

Example of a definition for a link on the Desktop:. Just like the installation, uninstall is managed in Web Conf and performed by Automatic Update. The following screen appears, displaying the current deployment details for this CID:. Figure Webconf — Authorisation panel select Pro Printer. Click on edit to change the installation on this machine, the following screen appears:.

When uninstalling, the product options are automatically selected for removal. The uninstall has the same look and feel as the installation, where only the second window the one. Starting with version 4. Moreover, if such a shortcut was present created by a previous Pro.

If not, the y will correspond to an. Just like the installation and uninstall, fallbacks are managed in Web Conf and performed by Automatic. Indeed, a fallback will merely consist in installing an older v ersion ov er the current. Please note, that a fallback could be done from Pro Printer 5. The screen displaying the current deployment details for this CID. If you want, you can the n. In this. The current Pro Printer.

The fallback version will the n be installed and automatically started, using the same. But if you first remov e the current v ersion. Printer version, not installed by Automatic Update it will be removed when version 4. Once Amadeus Pro Printer is downloaded, the next step consists in configuring the following values:. In order to perform the se actions, you have to access to the Amadeus Pro Printer configuration tool,.

The configuration of Pro Printer may be guided by a Wizard see chapter 4. Users knowing the Servicemenu, part of PP 4. PP Configurator, because both programs are very similar. A difference now is, that the configuration of. German devices is done in the same dialog as the configuration of central devices. For user are familiar with the Prtcfg program, part of PP 4. The PP Configurator was designed to be used by people without deep technical know how. The major.

It guides the user step by step through the configuration. Local devices with input Eurostar,. When configuring the connection to the DDIP server an automatic check of the. So the user could select an URL,. The user now has to select a. When the default values are not sufficient, advanced. What printers are available depends on the printer type given by Webconf and the country code set up. With this mechanism the printers shown in the dialog, are be reduced. This eases the configuration and avoids a wrong selection.

An additional point to ease the configuration is, that all printers are shown in one table. The table. Links to the online documentation are available within the PP Configurator. The links are adapted depending. When the PP Configurator is started, it contacts the Amadeus configuration database Webconf to retrieve.

Only existing configuration entries can be modified the n. Maybe a first installation cannot be. In this case try to identify the reason for the network problem and call the PP Configurator.

Use the netcheck program to check the connections to Amadeus servers, see chapter. Several menus are available to configure Pro Printer , to start or stop the Amadeus Pro Printer service, to. Some dialogs could be selected by clicking on the buttons shown in the toolbar. Change password Change the password of the office manager. Starting service Amadeus Pro Printer and the user instances. Stopping service Amadeus Pro Printer and the user.

The language strings used by the Pro Printer instances coming from file language. The right language. The language to use after first installation could be predefined in the Webconf configuration panel. The links to the Pro. Printer online documentation, available in the help dialog of the Configurator, are adapted accordingly. The PP Configurator supports several roles, what gives different access to the functionality of the configurator.

When installing Pro Printer first time, no password is defined for the office manager. This could be set. When the office manager has forgotten the password,. For the se users a different password is. When uninstalling Pro Printer refer to chapter. This dialog is used to set up the configuration file of the communication adapter comadapt. O the rwise the Amadeus Office ID must be entered manually.

Airline: as an option you could select an Airline from the list. This is necessary, when Pro Printer is. For Intranet users: The server address is 1a. This name is not resolved. IP serv ers are changed and hav e. Serv er IP Port: This parameter must be left unchanged. Do not change the default value, which is.

It has. Important Note: If the connection to Amadeus is done through routers or firewalls, ensure that the. O the rwise, alternativ e ports 80 and can be used. Select this check box, when the connection to the DDIP server should be directed via a proxy server. Enter port number of alternative DDIP server connection, used for backup purposes. Port numbers. Select this check box, when the alternative connection to the DDIP server should be directed via a. Permanent connection: Select this checkbox if you are using some kind of permanent connection.

ADSL, Cable, intranet…. If not selected, Pro Printer will not try to connect to the D. IP server if the. If selected, Pro Printer will connect unconditionally,. Polling Interv al: Normally, this parameter must not be changed default value is 1 minute for per-. This is the timer that Pro Printer uses to periodi-. Amadeus Travel Global Distribution Ltd. Else, the ISDN line would be kept always connected. IP serv er.

O the r routers may require. Fur the r below in this page you can find the details for the SNMP configuration. Pro xy: This button displays the Pro xy settings dialog box. It will allow you to route the Pro Printer. Details on how to configure the Pro xy settings can be. Allow use of proxy serv er: This checkbox, when enabled, tells Pro Printer to connect to the D. Port: This is the IP port where the proxy listens for connections. Au the ntication required: Select this checkbox if the proxy requires au the ntication.

Our team performs checks each time a new file is uploaded and periodically reviews files to confirm or update their status. This comprehensive process allows us to set a status for any downloadable file as follows:. We have scanned the file and URLs associated with this software program in more than 50 of the world’s leading antivirus services; no possible threat has been detected. Based on our scan system, we have determined that these flags are possibly false positives.

It means a benign program is wrongfully flagged as malicious due to an overly broad detection signature or algorithm used in an antivirus program. Amadeus for Mac.

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Amadeus pro 2.5 free download

When it is, it will reconnect to the DDIP. Explore Podcasts All podcasts. You may optionally wish to tweak the settings associated to that particular format by clicking on the Settings Last example: I needed to play 2 files together to check wether they were masterings from the same source or 2 different recording sessions. During the years a mechanism. The actions are carried out in the order in which the y are written. Since you purchased Amadeus Pro before the first of April, you are entitled to purchase version 2.❿

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