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TechSmith SnagIt x64 Silent Install – Page 3 – Damas Wiki – 2009年06月14日
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NeverRed is a simple PowerShell script to download and install the latest version for several common enterprise Windows applications. The script consists a number of simple functions to use in EUC environments like:. NeverRed uses several approaches to automatically get the version number and download URL for the applications.
There are community and commercial products that manage application deployment and updates already. The script uses an enumerated version notation. It can be assumed that the script undergoes changes on a regular basis. The version numbering is therefore intended to make it as easy as possible to track whether you are using the current version.
See the Changelog for details of each change. The script automatically detects if it is up to date when started on a system with internet, and if it is not, an automatic update is offered. NeverRed supports Windows PowerShell 5. NeverRed should work on PowerShell Core 6.
NeverRed can be accessed and started both locally and from a UNC path. The script is started by default with LastSetting. Splitting the functions related to downloading and installing is often used when the target computer does not have an Internet connection. Of course, this is only taken into effect if the program makes this selection available during download or installation. The settings regarding language Select Language , architecture Select Architecture and installer type Select Installer Type can be adjusted individually for each software on the detail page.
The settings on the detail page overwrite the global settings for the software. All settings are saved locally in the LastSetting. By clicking on Save, the LastSetting. On the Detail page, the software selected under General is also already selected. If something is changed to the selected software on the Detail page, this is also transferred. The global settings regarding language Select Language , architecture Select Architecture and installer type Select Installer Type can be adjusted individually for each software on the detail page.
This overwrites the global setting for this software. Additionally, Microsoft Visio and Microsoft Project can be selected. If this is the case, the install. The process for copying and renaming is triggered via Save and Start. If NeverRed is to be started via a scheduled task or third-party software, this can be preconfigured via parameters. The file does not have to be named LastSetting. Adaptation of the StartNeverRed.
If you have started a previous version of the script in GUI Mode, you get a message that an update is available and whether it should be executed. To create a LastSetting. Click on Save and then cancel the script via Cancel. You can use the LastSetting. Of course, you can also build the file manually. Here is a short explanation of the individual lines settings.
For each selected and downloaded software, a new folder is created under NeverRed folder. A version file is created in this folder when downloading and a log file is created when installing. During the download run, the version available on the Internet is compared with the local version, from the version file. If a newer version is available, the local installation files and the version file are deleted and the new software is downloaded and a new version file is created.
If Download is selected, the module is checked each time the script is executed, installed or updated if a new version is available. Before installing the new receiver, the old receiver is uninstalled using the Receiver CleanUp Tool.
The download not only downloads setup. Afterward, the install. Before installing the new Microsoft Apps version, the previous Office installation is removed remove. An install. By default, the selected one is defined in the install. After the installation, the auto update scheduled tasks of Microsoft Edge are disabled and the Citrix API Hooks are set in the registry. During the FSLogix installation, the old installation, if present, is first uninstalled and a restart is requested.
After that, the install. Before installing the new Microsoft Office version, the previous Office installation is removed remove. After installation, the Microsoft OneDrive auto update scheduled task will be stopped and disabled.
Firefox is installed with the parameter that disables the icons and the creation of the maintenance service. Skip to content Download Version 2. Net 3. Net 4. Line 1 Select Language Global. Line 2 Select Architecture Global. Line 3 Citrix Workspace App Release. Line 4 Microsoft Apps Channel. Line 5 Microsoft OneDrive Ring. Line 6 Microsoft Teams Ring. Line 7 Mozilla Firefox Channel. Line 8 TreeSize Type. Line 9 7 Zip. Line 10 Adobe Pro DC. Line 11 Adobe Reader DC.
Line 12 BIS – F. Line 13 Citrix Hypervisor Tools. Line 14 Citrix Workspace App. Line 15 Filezilla. Line 16 Mozilla Firefox. Line 17 Foxit Reader. Line 18 Microsoft FSLogix. Line 19 Google Chrome. Line 20 Greenshot. Line 21 KeePass. Line 22 mRemoteNG. Line 23 Microsoft Apps. Line 24 Microsoft Edge. Line 25 Microsoft Office Line 26 Microsoft OneDrive. Line 27 Microsoft Teams. Line 29 Open JDK. Line 30 Oracle Java 8. Line 31 TreeSize.
Line 32 VLC Player. Line 33 VMWare Tools. Line 34 WinSCP. Line 35 Select Mode Download. Line 36 Select Mode Install. Line 37 IrfanView. Line 40 Microsoft. Net Framework. Line 41 Microsoft. Net Framework Channel. Line 42 Microsoft PowerShell. Line 43 Microsoft PowerShell Release. Line 44 Remote Desktop Manager. Line 45 Remote Desktop Manager Type.
Snagit Version History – VideoHelp
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